Video Series: The B.A.S.I.C. 5 of Boundaries for Partners of Sex and Porn Addicts

In this 8 video series, partners of sex and porn addicts can learn the BASIC principles of healthy boundaries as well as the 5 steps to discovering and communicating your own boundaries.

The final two videos will discuss the 5 Steps to Discovering and Communicating Your Boundaries.

Click Here to Access Worksheets

Click here to get worksheets (5 Steps to Discovering and Communicating Your Boundaries) that will  help you walk through these 5 steps and apply them to your own situation. Feel free to print them out and work through them as you watch the final two videos.

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We applaud you for taking an important step toward healing and recovery by visiting our website. The next step is for you to learn how TARC can best support you. During the assessment process, we will thoroughly review an inventory of your thoughts, feelings and associated life choices in order to determine a plan of action that is most beneficial for your recovery.

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